The Dorm Bathroom: Friend or Foe?

One of the most unlikable things in my college experience has been, you guessed it, the bathroom in my dorm. I like to think of myself as a somewhat clean, well-kept person, but the four other boys who share the bathroom with me don’t exactly match the same description.

Lets get one thing perfectly clear, most boys are messy. They neglect deodorant and showers for whatever reason. Perhaps to attempt to attract a woman? If so, they may need to rethink their methods a little bit. Sharing a bathroom with one boy would be bad enough, but with four others? Thats beyond my sanity capacity. I’m always going into the restroom to find clothes and other items strewn out onto the floor. I heard of guys claiming their territory, but when there’s not a single place to put your foot on the bathroom floor because of all the mess, it starts to get a bit ridicules.

This is not our bathroom….it’s far too clean

The worst part of sharing the bathroom is taking turns cleaning it. It doesn’t seem bad at first, but whenever four guys skip their turn to clean and it rolls around to your week to tidy the bathroom, the muck starts to pile up. I’ll leave that image to your imagination.

My solution to this problem? Well, I suggested shock collars for the guys to buzz them whenever they skipped their turn but for whatever reason they turned down my proposal. So ok, I guess I don’t have a solution right at this moment but whenever I think of one I’ll publish it.

I suppose I should stop wasting time writing about this now (It’s time to clean the bathroom). If you don’t hear from me for a few days, send a search party after me. You’ll know where I am.

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